
Below are some post-op instructions to follow after you visit Periodontal Associates.  If you have any other questions or concerns we would love to hear from you.

What's in my post-op bag?

Gauze Squares – If you have excess bleeding, bite down on a wet piece of gauze for 30 minutes, then discard.

Ice Pack – To help reduce swelling, place pack on your cheek for 20 minutes on and off throughout the day after surgery.

Ensure – Meal replacement drink as a soft food diet is required after surgery. Maintaining a softer diet is highly recommended two weeks after surgery. You may eat as soon as the freezing wears off. It’s important to eat a well rounded diet as your body needs proteins, vitamins, minerals and calories to heal and fight infection. 500mg of vitamin C per day may also help.

Post-op instructions – Protocol to follow after surgery.

What should I expect after surgery?

Discomfort: You may experience mild to moderate pain after surgery for several days. By taking the recommended medications as directed, your discomfort should be reduced. Under no circumstances should you take Aspirin for pain, since it encourages bleeding. Taking pain medication before pain starts is the most predictable way of having an uneventful and comfortable recovery.

Bleeding: It is normal to experience some amount of bleeding following a dental surgery. Anticipate some pink or straw coloured fluid in your mouth (saliva mixed with the blood clot). You may want to place a towel over your pillow the night after surgery to protect your bed linen. Because blood mixes with saliva, it may appear to be of a greater volume than it really is.

To manage post-operative bleeding, you should avoid:

  • 1. Vigorous rinsing, spitting or using a straw for 24 hours.

  • 2. Alcohol for at least 24 hours.

  • 3. Smoking for at least 24 hours.

  • 4. Vigorous exercise for 48 hours.

  • 5. Eating hard or sharp foods that may further traumatize the wound.

If bleeding is not stopped by biting on wet gauze, apply pressure for 20 minutes with a wet tea bag.

Important: Use black tea only. Do not use herbal tea.

Swelling (expect at least 48 hours of swelling): You may experience mild to moderate swelling 2-3 days aftere surgery. Sleep with an extra pillow under your head for the first night. Some bruising (yellow/blue/purple) may occur and should not alarm you. You may also experience stiffness of the jaw which can be relieved by gentle opening and stretching after surgery.

Rest: After surgery, you should rest as much as possible for 1-2 days to allow your body to heal.

What and when can I eat after surgery?

Maintaining a softer diet is highly recommended two weeks after surgery. You may eat as soon as the freezing wears off. It’s important to eat a well rounded diet as your body needs proteins, vitamins, minerals and calories to heal and fight infection. 500mg of vitamin C per day may also help.

Suggested Foods:  Overcooked pasta, steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes, Salmon, Tuna, scrambled eggs, egg and/or tuna salad, yogurt, smoothies, applesauce, pudding, soups, lasagna, ground meat, crepes, pancakes.

Foods to avoid: Raw vegetables, steaks and tough meats, bagels and crusty breads, seeds, spicy foods, alcohol (first 48 hours).

When can I brush my teeth?

Day of Surgery: Avoid brushing your teeth. Occasional rinsing with salt water.

Day After Surgery and beyond: Brush twice a day, avoiding the gums in the area of the surgery. Be sure to get the bristles of your toothbrush onto the teeth themselves in order to keep them clean throughout the healing period. Flossing everywhere EXCEPT in the area of the surgery until instructed to do so by your doctor.

What are periodontal packs/sutures?

Your doctor may choose to place a pinkish-white dressing (“periodontal pack”) over the treated area that appears like white bubble gum. Think of it like a bandage to protect the wound. It is normal for this dressing to stay in your mouth for up to 2 weeks after surgery. It is normal for it to fall off in pieces or as a whole, a day or several days after surgery as well. Sutures (“stitches”) that are placed will typically dissolve on their own and become loose during the healing phase. DO NOT pull your lips and cheeks to see what we have done after gum grafting. This can injure the site of treatment.

Sinus care instructions


  • Do not blow your nose.

  • Sneeze with your mouth open.

  • Take a decongestant if you feel stuffed up.

  • Do not bend over, keep your head above your shoulders.

If I still have questions, who should I contact?

During regular business hours: please call the location you were seen at to speak with a trained staff member.

After regular business hours: if this is a non-life threatening emergency, call our Harrisburg location to leave a message with the Dr. on call. If this is a life threatening emergency, call 911 or go directly to the nearest emergency room.